Molly McKay | Tom Brook | Lucy Lange |
Jade Harvey | Shavonne Bronnish

cliMATE is an interactive board game and app for use in schools that aims to educate and inform young teens about the effects of climate change and how they can help on an individual and collective level.

The way the board game is played involves weekly challenges that educate and inspire collaborative action in response to climate change. Research suggests that being able to take action individually and collectively on an issue that many people feel is out of their control such as climate change can cause psychological distress. This app aims to assist regulate and channel student’s climate change distress through a collection of game based learning activities.

The app will track the progress of each player and includes a challenge topic reminder for weekly activities. The app will also track progress of the collective effort and impact of the class, thus acting as a example of the positive impact environmentally aware behaviour change can have on daily life outside of the classroom.



Interested in taking this project further? Contact Dr Gareth Furber at